Do not ask me mas for my.
If already you know which is the response.
From the moment in which I saw you.
To what I go.
I propose to be of you.
It(He,She) victimizes one almost perfect.
I propose to be of you.
A volcano today.
The love maybe.
It is a common evil.
And this way since(as,like) you see.
I am alive(vivacious) even.
Sera question of luck.
I believe that I start dealing.
Slow, slow, you begin to fall down.
That us deseabamos from before being born.
I sit(feel) you, sit(feel) you, from before being born.
I have the foreboding of which it(he,she) begins the action.
In, in, you are remaining.
And the women we are those of the intuition.
This way, I am arranged to any love.
I propose a deliz you.
A mistake turned into wisdom.
I propose to be of you.
A volcano today.
The love maybe.
It is a common evil.
And this way since(as,like) you see.
I am alive(vivacious) even.
Sera question of luck.
I believe that I start dealing....