I am tired of being stepped, misunderstood and discarded
Who says that understands me he/she never wanted to know
That boy was interned at a clinic
They say that for lack of the friends‘ attention, of the
Of the dreams that are configured sad and inert
As an immobile log glass, doesn‘t move, doesn‘t move, not
And Clarice is locked in the bathroom
And she makes marks in your body with your small penknife
Lying in the song, your ankles bleed
And the pain is smaller of than seems
When she is cut she forgets
That is impossible to have of the life it calms and it forces
To live in pain, which nobody understands
To try to be strong to all and each dawn
One of your friends already left
When one more occurrence policeman
Nobody understands, don‘t look at like this me
With this look of good-samaritano
Accomplishing your duty, as if it was sick
As if that whole pain roots different, or inexistent
Nothing exists for me, don‘t try
You don‘t know and he/she doesn‘t understand
And when the depression medicine and the sedatives don‘t do more
Clarice knows that the madness is present
And she sits down the essence it finds strange of what it is the
But that emptiness she knows very well
From time to time it is a new treatment
But the world always continues the same
The fear of returning home at night
The men that are scrubbed disgusting
In the round trip road of the school
The lack of hope and the torment
Of knowing that nothing is exactly and little is right
And that are destroying the future
And that the cruelty always walks here for close
The violence and the injustice that it exists
Against all the girls and women
A world where the truth is the contrary
And the happiness no longer he/she has more address
Clarice is locked at your room
With your disks and your books, your rest
I am a bird
They lock me in the cage
And they hope I sing as before
I am a bird
They lock me in the cage
But one day I get to exist and I will fly for the more road