Miyavi- Coo Quack Cluck~Ku Ku Ru~ (en inglés)

One time, there was a bird that
"Barely had wings"
And then, and then
Even when you go "Wa!" at it,it wouldn´t run off
And instead of "flying off" it cried
And did so with an "ugly" raspy voice"

Coo Quak Cluck...
"I´have no lingering attatchment to the sky at all"
What do you think, flightless duckling with wings, eyes
Fixed on the "big sky"

What do you sing? What do you chant?
I am the ugly duckling, I´ve lost my "wings"
No pains. No gains
Coo Quack Cluck...

Struggle and withe in airy manner
It´s the "spirit of a swam"

"As a charm that won´t melt away.
It isn´t needed by me anymore?
Then come on, now, the sequel to this unending dream..
Cause it´s ok to not look back, right?"

What do you think, flightless duckling with the little wings,
eyes , fixed on the "big sky"

What do you sing? What do you chant?
I am the ugly duckling, I´ve lost my "wings"

Nobody know. Nobody judges
Nobody goes. Yeah!

One time, there was a bird that
"Barely had wings"
And then, and then
Even when you´d go "Wa!" at it,It wouldn´t run off
And instead of "flying off" it cried
And did so with an "ugly" raspy voice"

Coo Quak Cluck...
Coo Quak Cluck....