As every afternoon it is
in the park to play
their old and tired instrument.
In the same seated bank
a blanket in the floor to their side
willing to give the good side
and although he/she already retaliates to less
he/she only gives me a ballad for a look.
Of their years of experience
a thousand anecdotes count me
I fake to believe this way it
I like to see him happy
counting adventures and believing to be a violin.
He/she plays for me, I want to hear you
I want to be part of your madness
we will put our score souls.
He/she plays for me, I want to hear you
and that the last tucorazón beat
be a rose that springs from the last note.
There are people that laughs when doing
him with their pajarita to see him
their pants already gnawed
and some flowers that he/she has caught
adorning a shirt
that it has sewn very quickly.
The crazy mestro plays
with a crazy sweetness
and he/she settles a dove in their rubber shoes
nobody laughs, nobody speaks, those that made fun of you.
He/she goes leaning back and he/she speaks,
of the hard thing that it is the chart
I have already stopped to fake,
I don‘t want to see him suffer
counting adventures and believing to be a violin.
He/she plays for me, I want to hear you
I want to be part of your madness
we will put our score souls.
He/she plays for me, I want to hear you
and that the last beat of your heart
be a rose that springs from the last note.
He/she plays for me, I want to hear you
I want to be part of your madness
we will put our score souls.
He/she plays for me.
He/she plays for me.