A space boy dream

I dreamt I had to go to mars.

I‘m always kidding on about going to mars for the day
But faced with the reality of it, in a dream, I was

And it wasn‘t going to be like a moon trip
There was three of us going, but we couldn‘t all go on
the same ship
We had to go one at a time with a day between us.

I had to go first, and it was the thought of passing
through all that black space
All the darkness with nothing in it, and then being
the first one to land there, all alone... I knew it
was supposed to be all dark around, with just a red
But what if I got there and it was light, all
civilised and populated and stuff?

So I made a plan.
The other astronauts were going to be my dad and my
And my dad would come first after me
So I decided when I landed I would just stay in my
seat until he got there
And then we could get out together and have a look
And see what sort of things were there.

And when I woke up and I was lying in the darkness, I
thought I had landed.
And I just lay still for a while, waiting for my dad
to get there too..