Little Wish (en inglés)

Make a little wish. I was stumbling and losing my way on my journey.
But since you were there, I was able to keep smiling and stay happy.

Ah, the silver wind came looking for two who were lacking something
beyond the cellophane sea and forest.
Ah, I was just crying in our city that‘s nothing more than a diorama.
Looking for your warm hand, you held out to me that day.

In the ever-swaying years, I felt you looking at me.
And then I had finally, finally found the secret key.

Make a little wish. Gather the lemon-colored drops of the moon.
I want to gently light the path you‘re walking down.
Make a little wish, even if it‘s a small one.
If you say you can‘t do anything,
then remember that because you were there,
I was able to keep smiling and stay happy.

Ah, it‘s okay to keep going without slouching your head.
Because the courage you gave to me, that day is still in this hand.

As the stars begin to twinkle,
kindness is born again.
Hey, I want to always, always
cherish this love of ours.

Make a little wish and wrap yourself in the lemon-colored drops of the moon.
I want to shine brightly and I want you to stay happy.
Make a little wish, on days when it‘s raining, or at dawn when you can‘t fall asleep.
Because you were there,
I was able to have this great smile, just like this.

Even in times when we‘re far apart,
there‘s always on thing I hold to be true.
That our hearts are always, always one.

Make a little wish, and gather the lemon-colored drops of the moon.
Your warm tears will only become the spice of my smile.
Make a little wish. I was stumbling and losing my way on my journey,
but since you were there, I was able to keep smiling and stay happy.