Quiere llorar (en inglés)

It wants to cry

It wants to cry (x8)

The one montuna
Solange cries
when it is broken the nail
of big book
Cries Solange
the nail is broken
and it cries and it cries
by the nail montuna

The meat is cold
and the hamburger is empanada
in food plate (ohhh…)
My Ronald cries and he cries
and he cries my fat person
my Ronald by its food

Raquel bell a finger is
everything it removes 19
and it cries by a paper,
poor man Raquel a finger is
everything and it cries and it cries
Raquel bell

Choir: Touch it more smooth it
watches everything is not so serious
hear it my brother
so that not you you tire to me
And if someday they close
the ways to you
Not you me desmayes
because it always has friend.

He wants to cry (x8)

My Lucy and my Mirna
my ugly children
cry cry by a girl,
that it is a little princess,
that does not admire
it nor they determine
and they cry and they cry
my Lucy and my Mirna

Mona mermona
lady cries she cries
by a bird that she sounds like moan,
poor man lady,
cries she cries to me,
she cries that she cries
Carmona cries

It wants to cry (x8)

Profe Montero that bad guy
he is that he has great weight in its head
if it loses the equipment not the delay
and Montero cries old baller


touch it more smooth it watches
everything is not so serious
hear it my brother so that not you you tire to me
And if someday they close the ways to you
Not you me desmayes
because it always has friend. He watches.

Everything is not so serious
hear it my brother
so that you you do not tire to me

It wants to cry (x8)