Miss Music (en ingles)

Hey boys, hey girls
I didn’t come here just to stand [still]
And the rhythm moves me, grows [inside me]
Miss Music, from another world...

It catches me
Strong on the beat
Nothing’s important
Except the rhythm
And anything’s possible
And anything’s allowed here
Miss Music and it’s not gonna end!

Music, and everything works out
Music, from another world
The right thing at just the right time
The same language all over the world...

She always surprises me
Succeeds in reviving and exciting me
It’s the truest thing
You don’t even need to think about it,
Miss Music it just does me good...

She brings me up
So easily
When I’m sad
It’s so simple
It’s a type of basic need
To get to the top
Miss Music, she’s always with me!
