Aimer (en inglés)

To Love

To love, is most beautiful
To love, into the sky you go.
Touch the winds of a sparrow
To love, is most beautiful.

To love, is time we stow
To love, is to live and grow
Burn in the core of a volcan
To love, greater than all I know

To love, is strength invincible
To give our best weare now able
To lobe, and to feel our hearts
To love, now than fear departs.

To love, is most beautiful
To love, into the sky you go
Touch the the winds of a sparrow
To love, is most beautiful

To love, is time we stow
To love, is to live and grow
Burn in the core of a volcano
To love, greater than all I know

To love, is to burn up the night
To love, is to gain tha right
To lgive meaning to one‘s life
To love, is to burn up the right

To love, is most beautiful
To love, into the sky you go
Touch the winds of a sparrows
To love, greater than all I know

To love... .