Thick cloud - steam rising - hissing stone on sweat lodge fire
around me - buffalo robe - sage in bundle - run on skin
outside - cold air - stand, wait for rising sun
red paint - eagle feathers - coyote calling - it has begun
something moving in - i taste it in my mouth and in my heart
it feels like dying - slow - letting go of life
Medicine man lead me up though town - indian ground -
so far down
cut up land - each house - a pool - kids wearing water
wings - drink in cool
follow dry river bed - watch scout and guides make
pow-wow signs
past geronimo's disco - sit 'n' bull steakhouse - white
men dream
a rattle in the old man's sack - look at mountain top -
keep climbing up
way above us the desert snow - white wind blow
i hold the line - the line of strength that pulls me through
the fear
san jacinto - i hold the line
san jacinto - the poison bite and darkness take my sight -
i hold the line
and the tears roll down my swollen cheek - think i'm losing
it - getting weaker
i hold the line - i hold the line
san jacinto - yellow eagle flies down from the sun -
from the sun
we will walk - on the land
we will breathe - of the air
we will drink - from the stream
we will live - hold the line