Junk Food
Junk Food
This is the best option
For people who decide
And assert your opinion
Junk Food
Junk Food
You can lead
In a magic box
Or a blemish garbage
Full of flies and odor
And infectious diseases
The type kidney
Junk Food
Junk Food
Junk Food for you
Food scrap
Junk Food
You will see how to eat
Making gárgaras blue
And buches pleasure
Food scrap
Junk Food
It has several combos that adapts
To your way of life
You can bring in a nice box
Filled with pictures and toys
For their children
The can collect
And if you do not have much money
We invite you to go through the door
From our premises
At the time it closed, and people are going
Tiramos bags full of junk food
The more wealthy people could not complete
Because our servings
They are the most abundant local market
Food scrap
Junk Food
This is the best option
For people who do not have more options in life
Neither house or a bed
Not even a dish of polenta cold for you.