It is a singular occasion that of that the dollar be devalued
that not one must leave to escape to travel to overseas
in a moment given when I take a decision
I am worse than Napoleon and although not me gu
Ste the airplane I am a man of action and therefore.
I go to New York with the bottle of Founder
I go to New York with the knife of explorer me sickness
in the hostess young lady airplane the menu has done
me damage would be you So pleasing to approach me al bath.
An it melted in black and later plan stung al reverse
of skyscraper and I there willing to succeed
as San Juan of the Cross in the Carmel
my first disillusionment the problems
of Communication more than
two million Hispanic and there speaks nobody in Christian.
Already I am in New York and him I see good color already
I am in New York I have neither seen no actor
they wound myself the
pundonor not letting in in the fashionable disks
that if you are ‘ Espanis‘ neither a glass with soda.
As in ‘Children of a smaller God‘ I tried to cause
to understand a police to the statue of the Liberty
¿tells me you how does he go?
his lordship and al to adopt the position of that
monum Ento in question thought that was a communist
seeking mess and I had him.
There is not goes in New York neither although swear it
Henry Ford there is not goes in New York
and the hams are of York I
thought that was going to be better than you
they eat the coconut with the telefilm Is
but is a trick and I am lunatic by going me to Madrid..