Moriré (en ingles)


Today I can not breathe
Of knowing that you are going
Although not see you again
I would not resignare
If you lose feel morireee
If I do not have your love
If I do not have your love

And where you realize
That as long as there is life not forget you
You know that I will wait here
Although today I feel that ...
If I do not have your love
If I do not have your love

If I do not have your love

There is no point in loving follow
There is no point in terms cry
This is the price I am paying k

"No t forget"

Although you know that your anger
And nothing will stop you from my
I ask that this god in heaven
What you see return
And where you realize
That as long as there is life not forget you
You know that I will wait here
Although today I feel
If I do not have your love
If I do not have your love
Today I can not breathe
Knowing that you are going
Although not see you again I would not resignare
If you lose feel… die
Moriré morireee
Morieee moriree
Moriree moriree
Moriree and


