Roads routes friend, without discussion
Shared secrets friend at an average voice,
My life was an open book girlfriend without fear
Leyeras to be my friend just that you were my friend.
When I learned what you are going to say in my
We two sides that no conocia in you
Secrecy that you did speak with such cruelty
Madness that led you to pay me so badly.
There are things in life girlfriend
Without an explanation of everything
you hoped least one friend traiciòn
I am not going to judgement friend that it is up to God
It is your conscience say if you were my friend friend
Some day you will think your best
And you go and ask the same thing that I
Poison that you did speak with such cruelty
Madness that led you to pay me so badly ...
I can talk in peace
Who loses more God know aaaaaa
Ha ha ha ha