A love story - intermezzoguy lombardo- words by robert henning, music by heinz provost- from the david o. selznick production "intermezzo - a love story" released through united artists corporation, featuring leslie howard and introducing ingrid bergmanlike the dream you dream tonightthat fades from sight when darkness disappearsmaybe you will vanish toothe moment when tomorrow's dawn appearsso, my love while stars above in heaven's blueare softly gleaming i'll dream of youand i'll live in the glory of your lovewhen i see the shadows fallingon a purple summer eveningthen is when i hear you callingacross the lonely yearsoh, how well i still rememberwhen another summer eveningone that started out in splendorended in tearslike the dream you dream tonightthat fades from sight when darkness disappearsmaybe you will vanish toothe moment when tomorrow's dawn appearsso, my love while stars abovein heaven's blue are softly beaming and gleamingthen i'll live in the glory of your love------------------------------------------------