The wait exhausted me.
Not nothing of vos.
You stopped so much in me.
In flames I went to bed.
And in the slow one I degraded.
I knew that I lost you.
What another thing can I do?.
If I do not forget, I will die.
And another crime will stay.
Another crime will stay.
Without resolving.
A rapid perfidy.
And we go out of the love.
Maybe I me looked for it.
My ego is going to explode.
There where you are not.
Oh … the jealousies again(afresh).
What another thing can I do?.
If I do not forget I will die.
And another crime will stay.
Another crime will stay.
Without resolving.
I do not know it.
All that is absent I do not know it.
If it is very late I do not know it.
If I do not forget, I will die.
That I can do another thing?.
That I can do another thing?.
Now be what is to lose.
Another crime will stay.
Another crime will stay.
Without resolving..