Saranghajimayo (en ingles)

I should go. I should go now. Because my stubbornness will turn to tears.
I should hurry so I won’t see you left behind.
I’m crying. All the sadness that this departing love built up has crashed.
I can’t even move a step so I just stand crying with my back on you.

Don’t love. Good bye will always come. It hurts so much that you can’t even breath.
I thought it’d only hurt as much as love. I thought I could forget it.
But no, it hurts thousand times more.

I’m scared.
Living with my eyes opened,
but I’ll still be blind.

Don’t love. Good bye will always come.
It hurts so much that you can’t even breath.
I thought it’d only hurt as much as love. I thought I could forget it.
But no, it hurts thousand times more.

Again and Again. No, No. I tell myself like a fool.
Don’t love. It hurts so much that you feel like dying.
You cry everyday too.
I thought it would be easy, I thought I could forget once a new love comes
but no,
my love can’t do that.
I can’t do that..