Unauthorized Exploitation

He's your friendly merchant dude,
he's so thrash and he's so cool,
the local thief who bootlegs tapes,
for twice the price a worthless shake,
he's such a rip - he takes your money
can't trust a face - with eyes so shifty
stinks up the room with all his bullshit
we know his greed - we'll have the last laugh
to the pig who books the clubs,
you're so fat you stink like swill,
when you walk your layers shake,
clothes your size they do not make,
dragging along in your eldorado
dispersing foul air through your huge buttcheeks
to gaze on your shape it makes me nauseas
you dirty fat slob - you're fucking worthless.
gripping, crawling, to make your way to the top
discouraged, broke, they pay you nothing for a set
liars, cheaters, you get reamed for all your sweat
backstabbing, deceit, the time will come to change the end
you pack the house, but they don't care,
the biggest draw, but they're not fair,
you want your money, it makes them laugh
come back next week, and bust your ass.
rip the pig destroy his damn greed!!!
[solo: gonzales]
Gripping, crawling, to make your way to the top
discouraged, broke, they pay you nothing for a set
liars, cheaters, you get reamed for all your sweat
backstabbing, deceit, the time will come to change the end
you pack the house, but they don't care,
the biggest draw, but they're not fair,
you want your money, it makes them laugh
come back next week, and bust your ass.
exploit our rights - unauthorized
steal our pay - your crooked ways
a swindler you've become
a peddler and a con
fast talker you won't last
procrastinator, liar, corruption you desire,
always on the take,
and if we don't get you first,
someday your time will come,
we'll burn your name around,
blackballed over town...
