Watch your power, your immense love,
your eternal loyalty,
I can not find error
I think I would be who.
I would like to be angel, to sing,
hymns of glory to my heavenly King
King would like to be able to bring
bronze silver and gold, incense and myrrh power
perhaps a poet to write,
my best stanzas, verses from the heart
I would have been a greater prophet,
to announce the great king
I‘m just one who tries to be,
a faithful servant in the simplicity
with the ability to understand,
that song is not a power
only one heart in love .... you
/ /. I would like to be angel. / /
You put your eyes in my heart,
fill my mouth, your singing Lord
I think I would be who
I would have been a great painter,
with my hands to show your great creation
But I‘m your son, who loves you Lord,
listening to your voice and tender song
I am also your friend, I am grateful,
if your creation you are my inspiration
I am not a prophet, I am not a pastor,
I will not be the first, nor a gentleman
I will not be the singer, I will not be the painter,
just a love heart ... you